Participate in Our Study
Youth are the experts of their experiences and we want to listen. This page describes ways to contribute to our study and how young people may find this research useful.
ways to participate in our research
The are three ways to participate in our research:
MAP: We continue to identify leadership initiatives for inclusion in our database. We invite you to contribute a leadership initiative.
SURVEY: Our survey
why you may choose to participate
We recognize that academic research is not always reciprocal or directly beneficial to those who choose to participate. Currently, there is no direct benefit to you for participating in this research. However, we hope that this study will contribute to the understanding of the experiences of African youth and the role of education in shaping the rising generations of African leadership.
We hope that this web site will serve as a form of reciprocity. The map is intended to serve as a resource for young people interested in leadership opportunities. We also aspire to use this website to amplify the contributions of African youth to social change in their communities.